"I have been receiving the Flower Letters since June 2023 and it has been an astounding experience for me this past year. Each letter is a thrill and wonder to receive and I've adored following along with the story all these months. Everything from the writing, to the characters, to the history, to the artsy, intricate details that come with each letter brings so much savory sweetness to my world every few weeks. I am in love with each one and the sincere writing and romance that plays and frolics throughout the story! Romance has always been one of my passions and these letters are something I wish I would have heard of sooner!"
Hello Friends!
I can hardly believe that December has arrived and we're speedily etching closer to Christmas, faster than many of us can keep up. It's hard to believe that in just two weeks we'll be at the foot of our Christmas tree in our pajamas, whether at five or eleven in the morning, tearing apart the crisp wrapping paper, cutting dangerously with scissors through taped boxes, and pushing our fingertips through the opening of our personal stockings with our family as we uncover the gifts our loved ones have lovingly prepared for us during this reverent season of welcome joy. While many of us may prefer homemade gifts, purchased gifts, or just a kiss from our children, the gift of sharing Christ's light and love with our favorite people, even strangers, is something remarkable, and ultimately makes Christmastime so special. As our calendars crawl closer to Christmas Day, and we consider what priceless item we can offer to our dearest loved ones, I wanted to share a perfect gift that may save you from your peril of puzzling over presents, and inspire the most cozy present for your grandmother, daughter, wife, aunt, sister, mother, or another that will not only enchant their world on Christmas, but for an entire year! This gift has personally blessed my life this year, and I believe it deserves to bless countless others.

This past summer, as I was undergoing the daunting survival of traumatic brain recovery, I found myself drowned in deep depression and anxiety, leaning in my footsteps as I suffered in physical and mental disability. My body was severely exhausted from the downfall of trauma I'd encountered within the previous six months, and I spent many days with little energy to climb out of bed, much less eat, in the cloud of my depression. Facing my six month mark since my initial accident was a very difficult transition to face as I wondered why my life had reversed so suddenly, placing me from a vibrant and independent teenager with a cleaning business and drivers license, to a seventeen year-old gal who needed assistance for every task that comes with functional life, like showering, dressing, and, at times, even eating. I was facing debilidating mental and physical exhaustion, and slowly felt myself dissipating from love of life. In my mind, I felt so completely abandoned, lost, broken, matterless, and sick that suicide ideation became something I battled every day in tears and handkerchiefs. I was in desperate need for light and sweetness in the darkness of my recovery, and I little expected it to arrive the next week in a form of a delicate letter.
The Flower Letters is a business dedicated to the purpose of lifting hearts with love and light by sharing historical fiction love letters through immersive snail mail envelopes that deliver to your mailbox twice a month, for an entire year. In the midst of my darkest depression, my mom happened to find their ad on Facebook, while searching for traumatic brain injury support groups, and was led to purchase this divine bundle I needed to save me inch by inch from despair and restore the savory sweetness of care I needed in my life. On a warm, June day this summer, I sent my youngest brother Drew to fetch the mail across the street as I usually did because I couldn't walk, and after shifting the keys at the mailbox, he scurried back to my bedroom with an envelope addressed to "Miss Makenzie Monson" containing the most sublime details, artsy flowers, excerpts, and scripts. Curious as to its contents, I opened the letter to find three dainty inserts in the envelope which contained a masterpiece letter, a personal 1940's swing dance card, and a welcome note from The Flower Letters. This bundle of magical sweetness was a miracle of heaven from my mom, who for weeks had given me hope each day by encouraging me to expect a surprise in the mail, one that would lift me in my uncharted depths of pain. With a flicker of warmth in my smile as I clung to the letter in my fingertips, I was thrilled to tears while I began the enchanting love story of Audrey Rose & Charlie Burke in the charming first letter, out of twenty-four letters that would yet arrive to my name every two weeks for the next year. I was laughing, smiling my "love smile" as my brothers call it, weeping with happiness, and my bleeding heart was taken in embrace through this exquisite letter of love, description, and friendship, from the words of handsome Charlie, to the dazzling Audrey Rose Drollinger, both immersed in the midst of historical WWII who would eventually play a part in the war's DDay.
I'm reaching eleven months post my initial accident, and I have found so much needed light and purpose in each letter I receive from The Flower Letters. I am in love with the story, the characters, the writing, the romance, the purity, the art, the history, and the extra inserts that have arrived in our mailbox twice a month and am always looking forward to the next letter, which always adds magic to my world, whether I open it on the best or hardest day of my month. Each envelope is so intricate and detailed, with inserts of crafts to try, recipes to bake, bookmarks to keep, postcards to send, patterns to knit, and the letters alone are delicious to read! While the storyline pulls at the wild beat of your heart with enriching romance, each letter is completely pure, and family friendly. Even my brothers have immersed themselves in the love letters of Audrey Rose and Corporal Charlie, asking me if they can read the next letter in my room whenever it arrives. Who would imagine that such a simple, delicate form of mail could bring so much delight to a time so dark? Full of all my favorite things, this is a gift of love and sweetness that I haven't taken for granted.
A miracle I want to share with YOU this Christmas season!

My friends, you'll be thrilled to hear that I am offering a 10% discount to you in the affiliate link below, so you can gift this gift that keeps on giving to the person you cherish and love. The Flower Letters offer bundles, tins, prints, collections, gift packages, envelopes, and more, perfect for the romantic, artsy, immersive, adventurous, historical, delicate, dramatic, enchanted, young at heart grandmothers, aunts, sisters, teenage girls, daughters, mothers, wives, and friends who adore a good love story to fill their heart through precious delicacy of snail mail. They will fall in love with these stories! Once they arrive at your loved one's mailbox and they share their immense gratitude with you for such an intentful, personal gift, you will have wished you'd purchased these sooner. So, before further adieo, visit The Flower Letters website by clicking the link below and purchase the perfect collection for your loved one 🥰
Hurry - Before They Sell Out!!
In checkout, use the code RISEUPWITHMAKENZIE to get a discount of 10% off your order
*Did you know, affiliate links help you AND me! By using the RISEUPWITHMAKENZIE code in your checkout on The Flower Letters website, I get a percentage of your payment at no extra cost to you. A win for you and me as we make Christmas bright this year ;)

May you find Christ in Christmas this season as you light the world with love and care through The Flower Letters' blessing of sweet, savory love stories; a gift that keeps on giving all year long!
From my heart to yours,
xo. Makenzie
p.s. if you have any questions or concerns about The Flower Letters, or trouble with the affiliate link, please reach out to me in my CONTACT page!
Merry Christmas!