Before you dive into this post, I want you to imagine a most stunning sunrise in your mind. Whether it is a crimson sun rising above ocean waves; glimmering, yellow rays peeking through a dense, dewy forest; or a warming, pink sky behind mountains; it must be a sunrise that eases you so gently into your chair.
Now, once you have that pictured in your mind, I want you to rewind and imagine that before that sunrise was even there--before you were relaxing under that awakening sky--the scene around you was in chaos. No wistful, pink clouds, nor any golden glow. Only insurmountable winds, fog, stenchy smells, and darkness...complete darkness....
I can easily recall one Wednesday which roughly rolled around nearly two months ago. It was a day when I felt like our family was being torn apart, pierced by bounties of troubles. Satan was finding victory with us, and by the afternoon, when I'd become so discouraged about our faults, weaknesses, and mistakes, I wept all the way to my brother's football practice and waited in the car to dab my tears with my fingertips before Asher and Conner found the car. In the lonely silence, I gazed at the players tackling in the field and decided to pray. I prayed so hard that my family would be able to mend our mistakes and our faults--that somehow, I'd find a way to bless them even amidst the day's confusion and trial. It was a bitter prayer from a broken teenager, but I knew that God would be right there to listen to it. "And please bless that I will stop crying so I can look nice for mutual," I added more sincerely, "In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen."
The prayer wasn't immediately answered, and the day continued to be horrid. Yet I tried more fervently to be positive and kind, and by doing so, my eyes continued to dry. None of us had the time or heart to eat dinner, despite how much our stomach's moaned. We had to rush to mutual right when we arrived home, even when I didn't want to go. And you might have already guessed-- I was late.
I walked into the leader's backyard, burdened with all the turbulence of that day. I'm sure there were circles under my eyes, tears still welled in my lashes, and buttons undone on my blouse. My hair might have even been wrinkled or knotted. But right there, I breathed in my sunrise. Every discouraging thought was swept away as I cooked smores, laughed with the leaders, talked with the girls, and unexpectedly won every game we played (and I never do!). Every roll with every dice was perfect. It was no coincidence--it was God. God knew that winning those games unexpectedly and laughing with those girls on the worst day of my week would bring a smile to my face and take my mind away from my troubles. And as dumb as it sounds, He knew that winning a few impractical prizes--a vegan face mask and a vanilla-scented candle--would bring a stunning glow to my darkened day. As I picked them up from the prize basket and cupped them in my small hands, I didn't see the object itself, I saw a message from God--one that told me He knew who I was, He knew I was trying, and that if I continued to trust and rely on Him, everything would be mended.
Some days will feel insurmountable to you. However, I know, and you know, that the most beautiful sunrise always appears even after the darkest nights! Trust in God. He loves you and is waiting anxiously for you to reach up to Him with all your pains, struggles, and weaknesses so He can catch you and carry you through.
"My child the troubles and temptations of your life are just beginning and may be many; but you can overcome and outlive them all if you learn to feel the strength and tenderness of your Heavenly Father as you do that with your earthly one. The more you love and trust Him, the nearer you will feel to Him, and the less you will depend on human power and wisdom. His love and care never tire or change, and can never be taken from you, but may become the source of lifelong peace, happiness, and strength. Believe this heartily, and go to God with all your little cares, and hopes, and sins, and sorrows, as freely and as confidingly as you come to your mother." ~Louisa May Alcott, (Little Women)
God be with you each and every day,
Makenzie Monson
Xtra Scripture ---
Psalm 30:11