Welcome back! I can't wait to share this message with you. It took a few days to finally post on my website, but because it needs to get out there, it all came together. My goal is to inspire in all my posts and I think this one will truly inspire not only you, but me as well, especially when these days have been somewhat rocky for me :-)
I love this picture. It inspired me; it whispered to me like the hiss of a summer wind. I found it as I was writing my last post and immediately saved it. I didn't save it just because it is beautiful. I saved it because I saw its meaning. Deep through the image-----just like magic-----I saw symbolism that just might change and touch your hearts. That is what inspired me.
Look into it, yourself. Gaze into the scene and ask yourself, "What do I see?"
I see a clothesline strung between two rough tree trunks. On the thin line are clothespins, clinging to the string as breezes and unlikely blows of wind pass by. Because they hold tightly onto the line, they cannot fall, nor are disturbed too much by the storms that pass. Even just a pinch counts as the breeze whistles through. They are safe. They don't even have to fear as long as the trees and line are always there, and as long as they keep holding on.
Often, I think we can relate to those pins, holding by two clasps onto the thin line. We worry if the string above us might break as the breeze passes by. Or if we all might simply fall. However, we don't have to fear, because the trees are always there-----God is always there-----holding us, and the wobbly line up, no matter how great and furious the storm.
To me, the line is our roots, our standards, and our choices. We stay up as long as the line is wrapped firmly around the trees. Both ends of the string must be wrapped, or we and the line fall. However, we have to fulfill our own part to avoid falling by holding on. Without holding on, we can't overcome the storms, and we lose that grasp to the thin, yet so needed line. Then we fall.
As you gaze at the picture, I first want you to decide to hold on to all the most important things of life, especially God. As in the picture, there are other clothespins. That means in reality, others are holding on right beside you, even if they seem a distance away. When the fierce winds come, even if they're unexpected, I want you to promise to hold on. As you do, even if it is just a small pinch, you will overcome all the storms. As Jeffery R. Holland once said:
"Don't you give up. Don't you quit. You keep walking. You keep trying. There is help and happiness ahead. Some blessings come soon, some come late, and some don't even come until heaven. But for those who embrace the gospel of Jesus Christ, they come. It will all be right in the end. Trust God and believe in good things to come."
I believe it; just keep holding on.
Sending all my love,
Makenzie Monson