Here's a poem I wrote a year ago, hoping to reattach us to the beauty of nature and the deep roots of prayer...
Have you ever wondered
Why bluebirds always sing
Or why sparrows always leap
Towards the happiness of things?
Why do all the cricket's chirp
Instead of fret and mourn?
And why do deer go prancin'
when their dainty hooves are worn?
All day currents stream so quick.
They never stop to sigh,
And yet I'm here a'wailin'
With my elbows on my thighs.
I peer at all the treetops,
Which stand so tall and still.
They praise the Lord, Almighty,
Even on a distant hill.
Often, I do wonder
How they keep their fervent faith,
How they tip their chins up higher
With no doubt that they are safe.
Here I crouch on thinkin'
With a glitter in my eye
And a swellin' in my bosom saying,
"Give your life a try!"
If the beeches on the hilltops
And the birds upon the vines
Can sing praises to their Maker,
Then I will sing to mine!
-Makenzie Monson